We support you to became the best leader you can be.
Sustainable Development Goals

Sponsor a Child

Leadership Workshops
We empower youth in high schools where professionals deliver workshops in soft skills for kids aged 12 to 18 so they become change makers in their community. Life Academy makes mental health a subject in the school, taking the same importance as math or science, reducing 91% of socio emotional crisis in the students who has been involved in the workshops.
Life Academy host conferences about soft skills and social impact where attendees are called to Live a healthier, wealthier, more fulfilling, passionate and purposeful life – whether that means achieving in business, reigniting your relationship or discovering who you really are and how you will impact other`s people lifes.
Salvemos Vidas is a movement within Life Academy where young people can join to volunteer to call other young people to talk every week. The movement was created as a response for Covid 19.
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Your life begins HERE
Yunus and Youth
Life Academy was selected out of 1400 social businesses in the world to be part of the Nobel Prize program to maximize the impact of the impact to achieve the U.N. 's Sustainable Development Goals.
Nelson Mandela Leadership
Life Academy was selected to develop a new project within: Saving Lives that raise 100 volunteers in its first week and became a city movement among youth in Caldas, Colombia
Regional Comercial Chamber
Life Academy was selected out of 146 businesses by Cámara and comercio, Bancolombia, Sena and Fundación Bolívar Davivienda. Award name: Young Entrepreneurship of the Region.
Department of State of U.S.
Life Academy was selected from among more than 1,800 applicants from 37 countries to be part of a fellowship program that brings together 280 of the best and brightest emerging entrepreneurs and business leaders from across the Western Hemisphere for an intensive, entrepreneurial leadership development program in United States. Award name: Young leaders of the Americas Initiative.
United Kingdom Government
Maria del Pilar Aristizábal, on behalf of Life Academy was selected out of 9.000 people in Colombia, to accelerate the impact of Life Academy through a postgraduate degree based in London, England. Award name: Chevening.
125 Fund University of Westminster, England
Life Academy was awarded out of 600 applicants with the 125 Fund to support the development of the business idea.
“Youth Peace Security Program” Scholar
Colombia Joven
“Young Talent Prize 2019”
One Young World
Ambassador London Summit 2019
Do you need to Talk?
- We have facilitated conferences for 2.000 students
- We reach students in low-income contexts who study st public high schools in Colombia
- 55% of young people believe they are or can be leaders.
- Before life Academy, 3 students were referred to the psychiatric clinic per semester. After life academy process the number went to zero. it indicates a reduction of 100%.
- Before life academy 15 students were referred to the psychologist per semester by their teachers. After life academy process the number went to zero. it indicates a reduction of 100%.
- Before life Academy, 60 students were attending the psychologist office in critical states per semester. After life academy process the number went to 9 zero. it indicates a reduction of 85%.
- 5 of the six psychiatric cases were promoted to the next grade.
- 15% of our students are joining our e-learning platform from different parts of the world